With a nice summer weather I arrived once again to the museum to see what has happened to the
Hurricane. The aircraft and the restoration project has been scheduled for publication at the Jämi
Fly In Air Show. I walked to the repair shop and it was filled with activity. The boys were in the
middle of finishing the aircraft for the big event at Jämi. Harri was lying under the aircraft and he
was sweating a lot. He was connecting the bottom plate to the rear section. Originally the Brits had
used “a few more” screws in the connection and Harri’s comment was unforgettable: “The British
have impeccable logic. They stuff the absolute maximum amount of screws to every inch.” Judging
from the amount of sweat on Harri’s face I think he’s right. The frantic effort the boys were putting
on the Hurricane is justifiable because they only have a few days left to complete the Hurricane for
Pojat kiinnittämässä pohjalevyä. The boys are connecting the bottom plate into the rear section |
Muutaman ruuvin jälkeen pohjalevy paikoillaan. After a few screws the plate was successfully connected |
The biggest change from my last visit was the instalment of the engine on the nose. The lifting
process had been completed without major problems. This must have been one of the most difficult
stages of the whole project. Also the propeller was lifted to the nose. Somehow the propeller
made an impact on me. It seemed to me that now the Hurricane had received its “heart” back. The
whole aircraft looked bigger this way. I didn’t see the spinner yet but I’m convinced that it will be
installed into its correct place the next time I visit the museum. For the wing machine gun covers
Harri had made covers using an old recipe. He used canvas, ceconite and red oil colour. During the
war these “fillings” were made so that the ground crews would know at once whether the machine
guns had worked. They were also used to prevent sand and dust entering the guns.
Merlin moottori paikoillaan. Merlin engine on its proper place |
Potkuri paikoillaan. Propeller in place |
Konekiväärien suojakankaat wanhalla reseptillä. The machine gun covers were made using and old recipe |
So much had happened to the aircraft since my last visit that I had to write down notes in order
to memorize the whole thing. It’s a shame that I can’t update this blog in real time. I’ll try to
write down new materiel as often as possible but my day job and family also require time. The
boys had installed the rudder to the hull. Also the firing tubes for flares were installed inside the
fuselage. Apparently these were removed from the aircraft during the war as they were deemed to
be unnecessary. Antti had also worked on protective plexiglasses for the landing lights. He had also
done some work on the cockpit lights and fastenings of the control stick. Work was also done on air
pressure tubes and on the chain of the stick.
Sivuperäsin on edelleen Englannin väreissä. The rudder still wears its original RAF colours |
Valopommien laukaisuputket rungon sisällä. Firing tubes for flares are located inside the fuselage |
Laskeutumisvalot paikoillaan joita muuten voidaan kääntää ohjaamostakäsin. Kuvateksti 8: The landing lights are installed and they can be operated inside the cockpit |
Ohjausauvaan on asennettu paineilmaletkut jarrulle ja konekiväärien laukaisunappulalle. Air pressure tubes has been installed to the control stick for the brakes and for the machine gun firing button |
Yksi Antin nikkaroimista ohjaamonvaloista. One of the cockpit lights manufactured by Antti |
Luoti tullut sisään moottoritilaan. The bullet punched a hole into the engine compartment |
Ja jos jollain on tarjota jotain lentokoneisiin ja kameraan liittyvää projektia, niin ottakaahan ihmeessä yhteyttä ;).
Hyviä ja lennokkaita öitä toivottaen!
What’s bad in this project is the fact that its coming to an end. There will be a hole in the life of this
writer after this project is finished and opportunities like this won’t come by easily. However the
Hurricane is not yet ready and I reckon that I’ll visit the museum once or twice after this trip. I also
missed the great publication event at Jämi and it made me sad. I will have to correct this error next
year and visit the Jämi Air Show.
If you have any questions on the aircraft & restoration project or cameras, please don’t hesitate to
contact me.
Wishing you all a good and vivid dreams!
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