30.3 melko kevytolo, otin lopputilin päivätöistäni ja siirryin uusiin haasteisiin aivan toiseen maailmaan ja työhön :) Pääsin toteuttamaan pitkään muhineen ajatuksen siitä miten sanon itseni irti, jos näin joskus tapahtuu. Kävin sijoittamassa lähi supermarketissa 19,90€ hallitunkkiin, jonka käärin nättiin pinkkiin pakettiin ja paiskasin sen pomoni pöydälle viimeisenä päivänäni. On se ihme juttu, miten yksi tunkki voi tuottaa niin sanoinkuvaamattoman hilpeän olon :)
March 30: Once again it proved to be a pleasure to take up the camera and head towards
Tikkakoski now when spring has turned back into winter (it’s snowing wildly). Luckily
my Peugeot still has winter tires on. The guys were in action at the museum. Harri was
painting new swastika insignias on the wings while using removable layer between the
old and new insignias. Antti was working with the plexiglas attachtments of the landing
gear system. The biggest change which I noticed at once was the canopy which had been
installed on the plane. Also the swastika insignias had been restored. I was wondering
why Harri was working with a removable layer before painting new insignias on the plane.
The answer was simple. Everything the guys do to the plane during the restoration must
be recorded. Accordingly there must be means and ways to cancel things that have gone
wrong and thus removable layers are used. A pair of tyres had showed up to the repair
shop as well as a pilot’s leather flying cap. Afterwards I thought that it would have been
great to take a seat in the cockpit with the headgear on. Well, maybe next time then. The
boys had also done some wirings inside the hull.
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Harri tekemässä pohjamaskia ennen uuden hakaristin maalaamista. Harri is finishing a removable layer before starting the new swastika. |
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Rungossa olevat uudet hakaristit. New swastika on the hull. |
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Kuomu on löytänyt oikean paikkansa. Canopy is fitted to the fuselage. |
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Kuomu toiselta puolelta. Canopy from the opposite side. |
Mietin, että blogissa olisi mukava myös kertoa lentokokemuksia ihmisiltä, jotka ovat lentäneet tällä konetyypillä. Tehtävä osoittautui todella haastavaksi, kirjoitettua tietoa asiasta oli huonosti saatavilla. Kävimme museon arkistossa etsimässä materiaalia asiasta, mutta vedimme vesiperän. Arkistosta löytyi kyllä muuta todella mielenkiintoista, löysimme mapin, jossa luki päällä Esko Ruotsila. Tähän mappiin on suorastaan pakko vielä palata myöhemmissä blogi kirjoituksissa. Löysimme jotain materiaalia museonkirjastosta hurricanen lento-ominaisuuksista ja sen lentämisestä. Olisin halunnut blogiin henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia veteraaneilta koneen lentämisestä, mutta kone oli kuulemma niin tylsä lennettävä, että siitä ei ollut juurikaan kerrottavaa jälkipolville ja yhtään lentäjää ei ole enää elossa. Kirjoittajan on tuota asiaa ”tylsästä” vaikea niellä, mutta eiköhän itse lentäjät tunteneet koneen hieman paremmin. Toiseksi asiaa on vaikea uskoa, koska kone on kuitenkin ollut Raf:n runko toisessa maailmansodassa. Kirjasta Lentäjän näkökulmia II löytyi jonkin verran asiaa koneen lentämisestä, josta hieman alla.
I thought that it would be nice to talk a bit about the flying characteristics of the plane as
well as the experiences of Finnish pilots who actually flew the aircraft. This proved to be
a real challenge. Written information on these subjects was difficult to find. We visited the
museum’s archive and library but we draw a blank. However we did find a binder labelled
Esko Ruotsila. This proved to be interesting and I will have to get back to this binder some
other time. After some research we did come by some comments on the Hurricane written
by the pilots and engineers. I would have wanted some recollections of veteran pilots but
the general feeling of the pilots themselves was that the Hurricane was not so interesting
aircraft to fly. Also none of those Finnish fighter pilots who actually flew with the type are
still alive. Still I think that comments about the plane being “uninteresting to fly” are quite
difficult to swallow. Here are some details:
You step into the plane from the left side. The cockpit is fairly large but looks a
bit “Spartan” and simple. A bit like the Gloster Gladiator or the Fokker D.XXI. In a sense
there is no floor and the pilots feet are placed on separate plates. The seat can be lifted
horizontally upwards and downwards. The pedals can be moved sideways. The canopy
moves easily and it is light to operate. The long nose of the Hurricane gives poor front
visibility and it’s difficult to see backwards.
The controls and levers are simple and clear. The trigger for the machine guns can be
found on the control stick. From the left side of the instrument panel you can find the
throttle lever, mixture lever, trim wheels and the lever which controls the attitude of the
propeller blades. The combined lever for the undercarriage and flaps is located on the
right side. On both sides you can find a levers and switches for the emergency deployment
of the landing gear and manual hydraulic pump among others.
The instrument panel itself is quite clear and well equipped. The artificial horizon as well as many other flight
instruments are manufactured by the Sperry Co. You can also find magneto switches, start
button and the gun sight on the panel.
Flight characteristics
The Hurricane was an easy plane to fly by any standards. It was much easier to fly than
the Fokker D.XXI for example. It had effective flaps, variable pitch propeller and retractable
landing gear. These were new aviation innovations of the mid and late 1930’s and it took
time and effort (as well as casualties) to learn how to use them properly. The Hurricane’s
longitudinal stability was slightly positive while flying on normal loading. Longitudinal
control was sensitive but not overly so. The force needed to use the control stick in relation
to speed was small enough. The rudder was heavy on greater speeds but otherwise the
harmony was quite good on the controls. The Hurricane was a stable gun platform. The
flaps were light and effective.
On the other hand, the Hurricane’s big wing proved to be a handicap in a dogfight
situation. Pitching the aircraft was slow and this effect was enhanced by the eight wing
mounted machine guns and their ammunition. Engine power could have been better in
comparison on the size of the aircraft. In a dive the drag caused by the big and thick wing
was clearly seen. The engine could cut itself while on a steed climb. The turning radius
of the Hurricane was small. The Hurricane could have been a good bomber interceptor
aircraft in the Winter War against Soviet SB-2’s and DB-3’s. That’s if the Hurricanes had
arrived in time. During the Continuation War the Soviets received Hurricane II’s from the
western allies and they proved unsuccessful against Finnish Brewsters. In part this was
caused by the differences in pilot quality. According to POW information the Hurricane was
not a particularly popular aircraft in the Soviet Air Force. It was deemed to be “a bit odd”.
One Finnish pilot named Uuno Karhumäki commented the controls of the Hurricane: “it felt
just like there had been rubber band connected between every control mechanism.”
The final comments of Lt. Räty on the Hurricane Mk.1
Hurricanes did not take part in the Winter War. They remained on alert status at Säkylä
but they didn’t meet any enemy aircraft on their operational area. Thus no experiences
on the Hurricane’s performance while in combat situations were received. However it is
my opinion that because of it’s great speed and firepower the Hurricane would have been
effective against bombers. Against other fighters it would have been only possible to use
boom and zoom tactics because the Hurricane is not an agile aircraft. Dogfighting must
be avoided. As a measurement on it’s agility a 180 degree turn can be used. At speeds
of 300 km/h this takes 10 seconds to complete. Although the Hurricane only carries small
calibre 7,7mm machine guns it has good hitting power because all 8 guns are calibrated to
a distance of 200 meters. This is the smallest possible distance were all the guns and their
fire can be joined. This gives a pattern which has a diameter of 1 meter. The rate of fire of
the guns is around 1200 rounds per minute. This means that in one second a total of 160
bullets will hit the target area.
Lopuksi vielä kuva-arvoitus:
Mikä esine kuvassa on ja mihin sitä käytetään restauroinnissa? Parhaat vastaukset julkaistaan ensi jaksossa ja oikein vastanneet saavat osakseen huikeaa mainetta ja kunniaa :) Nyt jäädään odottelemaan vastauksia ja ensi jaksoa...
And finally, a puzzle:
What is this object and in what capacity is it used in this restoration project? Best answers
will be published in the next episode. All those who come up with the correct answer will
receive fame and glory. Now I will wait for your answers…
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Kuva-arvoitus??? A puzzle |
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